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Feb 16, 2022Liked by Citizen Doctor

"Unless a cure is found for psychopathy, the only antidote is to maximize the sovereignty of individuals."

Hi Citizen Doctor

I just wandered in from your link on Steve Kirsch's piece on cryptos and read your piece on fractal sovereignty and thought of the following.

All the best to you


They walk among us and seem almost human.....

We are governed by psychopaths, entertained by psychopaths, cajoled and lied to by presstitute psychopaths, the very scum that we are told are benevolent philanthropists are among the most evil psychopaths on this planet and yet some people imagine that all this will not end badly.

Are you a psychopath? The Hare Test


Andrew Lobaczewski

Political Ponerology; The Science of Evil



PSYCHOPATHY: THE CAUSE OF EVIL Inherited and acquired psychological disorders and ignorance of their existence and nature are the primal causes of evil. The magic number of 6% seems to represent the number of humans who either carry the genes responsible for biological evil or who acquire such disorders in the course of their lifetime. This small percent is responsible for the vast majority of human misery and crime, and for infecting others with their flawed view of the world.


1. Ponerogenic Associations

2. Ponerization

3. Pathocracy

The ultimate cause of evil lies in the interaction of two human factors: 1) normal human ignorance and weakness and 2) the existence and action of a statistically small (4-8% of the general population) but extremely active group of psychologically deviant individuals. The ignorance of the existence of such psychological differences is the first criterion of ponerogenesis. That is, such ignorance creates an opening whereby such individuals can act undetected.

Lloyd deMause

“Heads and Tails”

Money As a Poison Center

This ambivalent aspect of money can be easily seen in the words with which we describe it. The German word Geld and the English word “guilt” come from the same source – Geld in Old German meant “sacrifice,” and has the same source as vergeltung, “revenge.” Similarly, gift in German means “poison” in English. In most languages, the identity of gift and poison is found.



When like Kill Bill gates of hell, the eugenicist psychopath and global vaxx criminal, you consort with the Mossad kiddy porn director pedovore of pedovores Maxwell Epstein Inc., you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know what was going on. Psychopathic demons are at the top of every major industrial organization, political collection of puppets, Satanic entertainment industry aka Hollyweird, Financial organization and presstitute propaganda dissemination operations on the planet. Murder, perversion and pedophilia is at the heart of it all and blackmail the currency of control.


Kill Bill gates of hell, best buddy of Maxwell Epstein pedovore in chief and

Mossad kiddy porn director along with filthy Swi$$ money laundry and spawn of

genuine kosher German Nazis, the Hollyweird central casting SS cutout lout aka

Satan Klaus Slob, Rothschild bagman geriatric peddler of fellow Jews to Nazis,

the inimitable Gyorgi "Soros", all these demons would have you

believe that their Tony Jaws Fauci and his Fort Detrick (debt trick) Wuflu

virus has it all sewn up and you are nothing more than a redundant head of tax

cattle down on Rancho Goyim, USSA soon to be slaughtered for the greater good

of the zero 1% reptilian slime that imagines it has "inherited the earth".

The great r€$et my ass. The entire scam is falling apart as quick as you can

say Pfizer macht frei and nothing on this Earth is going to save their

mountains of fiat filth IOU Saudi Mercan petroscrip toilet paper dollahs and

gimp bastard €urodollah or their evil genocidal asses in the coming Nuremberg

reloaded. The Wall St shitter is about to blow their Ponzi sewer to hell and

all the fake covaids and DARPA weaponized mRNA death pricks won't put Humpty

Dumpty together again when the tsunami of toxic derivative shit washes over

Slumville and the rest of the anglozionazi empire of filth. Simply by staying

unjected we win when the millions of vaxxed sheeple start falling like dominoes

in the months ahead; Dark Winter comes with a vengeance. Then guess how long

the vertical pigs and uniformed mutts slurping their swill for now at the

elitist trough along with rancid politcal swine and craven presstitute hos will

cover for the cabal of reptilian scum that unleashed this vile insanity on the

planet. These porcine scum will have their own offspring croaking like flies

and even pigs and sheeple finally understand the stench of mass slaughter the

nearer they come to the slaughterhouse erected by the reptilian alien slime now

running planet moron.

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